The Whole Food Difference: A Nutrient-Rich Choice for Optimal Health

The Whole Food Difference: A Nutrient-Rich Choice for Optimal Health


Whole food supplements, nutritional products, and skincare are my passion. I am committed to creating and developing my online store to showcase a premium range of products. Through education and inspiration, I aim to guide you in understanding how these products can support your health.

What are whole food products?

Whole food products are derived purely from nature, minimally processed, and kept as close to their natural state as possible. Whole food supplements are not made from synthetic vitamins, minerals, stabilizers, preservatives, or antioxidants. They are created by carefully selecting different whole food sources that offer a therapeutic dosage of key nutrients.

What are the benefits of whole food products?

If Mother Nature can provide what we need, she is the best source. How nature’s divine intelligence has created whole foods is as dynamic and wonderful as how our internal systems as humans function. The use of whole foods is to strengthen the host., by supplying the building blocks to balance elements naturally.

Whole food products offer:


  • Enhanced Nutrient Density: comprehensive array of constituents rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that are more bio-available than those found in synthetic supplements.
  • Whole and Balanced Nutritional Profile: whole and complex structures that are organically found in foods. A wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in a natural balance with each other.
  • Synergistic Function: The natural combination of nutrients enhances each other’s absorption and effectiveness.
  • Free from additives.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Produced using sustainable farming practices that are better for the environment.

What are other nutritional supplements?

Many nutritional supplements are made in laboratories using synthetic ingredients and inorganic materials. As a result, these supplements contain high doses of isolated nutrients without the necessary co-factors to support their function. This makes it difficult for the body to absorb or utilise these nutrients. Manufacturers compensate for this low bioavailability by including high dosages in an attempt to ensure that as much as possible gets absorbed, with the excess being excreted in urine or stool.


What about the products that are in health food stores or that my Natural Health Practitioner has prescribed me?

I believe it's important to question and stay curious about the products and prescriptions offered by our natural retailers or therapists. It's essential to remember that just because a product is offered within a natural or complementary context, doesn’t mean it is natural or the best choice for our health. We can empower ourselves by staying informed, asking questions, and being discerning about the products we choose to incorporate into our health journey.


Similar to Western pharmaceutical medicine, complementary health products may have relevance within certain contexts of an individual's health journey. We can empower ourselves by staying informed, asking questions, and being discerning about the products we choose to incorporate into our health journey.

What is the downside to taking synthetic supplements?

There is an ideal time and place for everything in the realm of health and disease. However, it's important to consider potential effects when consuming synthetic nutritional supplements:

  • Nutrient imbalance: Due to high dosages, synthetic supplements may lead to imbalances in the body's nutrient ratios and may impact the absorption and utilisation of other nutrients.
  • Inability to utilise: Synthetic nutrients lack the enzymes and co-factors found in whole foods that support the digestion, absorption, and assimilation in the human body.
  • Digestive issues: Synthetic supplements contain other substances such as fillers, stabilisers, binders, preservatives, and additives that can cause digestive upsets or immune dysfunction.

A personal story…

I remember the eye-opening experience during my second year of studying Natural Health Science. Discovering that what I was learning were the treatments for various diseases involving synthetic vitamins was unexpected, as I had anticipated learning about using natural elements to address health imbalances. However, through discussions with my mother, who is a Metabolic Health Coach, Root Cause Protocol Practitioner, and Registered Nurse, I realised that this knowledge could serve as a basis for understanding how nutrients function at a cellular level and finding natural alternatives supported by research for my practice. 

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